
Whole People

coaching, counselling and training in Worthing (UK) and online with Pat Spink



Success – on whose terms?

I’ve been thinking about this quite a bit lately.

The stories we tell ourselves about our own lives….

What we say, how we ‘report’ our lives, when we speak to people we haven’t seen for a while and they ask us what we’re up to these days…

Does it feel like we have to ‘put on a show’ and that we’re in a competition that we’re losing more often than not..?

For example, what do we say when someone asks “What did you get up to this weekend?” Have you ever been tempted to ‘guild the lily’ a little to appear more active and interesting than you think the truth might sound? I know I have… face-with-tears-of-joy_1f602

And what does success in one area of our life cost us in another?

Hence some of my recent Instagram posts:

success - what did you have to give upstrengths presupposes energy channeled from other areas

Continue reading “Success – on whose terms?”

What Did YOU Do on Holiday?

As the UK school summer holiday comes to an end I’m wondering about everyone who went away recently – and those who ‘staycationed’.

A holiday is defined in The Cambridge Dictionary as:

“…a time when someone does not go to work or school but is free to do what they want, such as travel or relax.”

Did you do what you wanted? How did it go?

Better than expected, pretty much according to plan – or were you disappointed? Continue reading “What Did YOU Do on Holiday?”

Mindapples: five-a-day for our minds

apple-336015_640I was talking to someone about resilience recently and was reminded of a CIPD branch event I went to a couple of years ago. The speaker was Andy Gibson, ‘Head Gardener’ at an organisation called ‘Mindapples’. Continue reading “Mindapples: five-a-day for our minds”

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