
Whole People

coaching, counselling and training in Worthing (UK) and online with Pat Spink



Making a Difference

“While wandering a deserted beach at dawn, stagnant in my work, I saw a man in the distance bending and throwing as he walked the endless stretch toward me.

As he came near, I could see that he was throwing starfish, abandoned on the sand by the tide, back into the sea.

When he was close enough I asked him why he was working so hard at this strange task. He said that the sun would dry the starfish and they would die.

I said to him that I thought he was foolish. There were thousands of starfish on miles and miles of beach. One man alone could never make a difference.

starfishHe smiled as he picked up the next starfish. Hurling it far into the sea he said, “It makes a difference for this one.”

I abandoned my writing and spent the morning throwing starfish.”  

This story by Loren Eisley has been told in lots of different ways and places and I love it. It fits so well with my beliefs that:

Meaningful Moments from This Year’s London Marathon

How great was it to see Matthew Rees help David Wyeth finish the London Marathon yesterday?

If you didn’t see it you can watch it here.

Some have called it the moment that defined the race. Continue reading “Meaningful Moments from This Year’s London Marathon”

“Ma’am, you look like you’re having a bad day. Can I give you a hug?”

I was really touched by this story in the Mail Online yesterday.

It’s about a bus driver, Damone Hudson from Dayton, Ohio, who was driving over a bridge and saw a woman on the wrong side of the railings. He stopped his bus and got out to talk to her.

He stayed with her until the police arrived to take her to safety and, hopefully, to get some appropriate help. Continue reading ““Ma’am, you look like you’re having a bad day. Can I give you a hug?””

‘Spat on and ignored’

forsaken-1273885_1280I was really moved by an article in the Guardian this month about medical student James Beavis who spent Christmas 2016 on the streets of London to raise money for Crisis (the UK national charity for single homeless people) and in order to better understand homelessness.

He reminds us that “… homelessness can affect anybody. The number-one cause is relationship breakdown … And the number of rough sleepers is rising …” Continue reading “‘Spat on and ignored’”

Something they want … or an IOU?

gifts-152432_640Struggling to make decisions about what to buy friends and family for Christmas this year?

With less than three weeks to go, the pressure may be mounting – and funds running short.

On BBC Breakfast this morning there was a discussion about The Four Gift Rule’ and I found a BBC article online about it, too. Continue reading “Something they want … or an IOU?”

Being Kind versus Being Right

I was reminded recently of something someone said to me a few years ago.

She was in her early forties and said that she’d got to the stage in her life when it was more important (to her) to be kind than to be right. Continue reading “Being Kind versus Being Right”

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