
Whole People

coaching, counselling and training in Worthing (UK) and online with Pat Spink



Laughter – the best medicine?

I’m interested to see in last week’s news that, based upon findings they published last year: being in a positive mood on the day of your flu jab can increase its protective effect”, Nottingham University are continuing with another piece of research into whether they can harness this to improve the effectiveness of flu vaccinations for older people, who are particularly vulnerable to this virus.

Later this year a group of patients aged 65-85 will have their mood measured, watch 15 minutes of Michael McIntyre (one of my favourite comedians, too BTW) and then have their mood retested. Blood tests will be taken before the jab and four weeks later to see if they have higher antibody responses.



So, could a good laugh help ward off the flu?


Continue reading “Laughter – the best medicine?”

Alone or Lonely?

alone or lonely

On one of my seafront walks recently I noticed someone sitting by themselves on the beach, gazing out to sea – much like the person in the photo here.

Given my particular interest in suicide prevention I needed to make a judgement call as to whether this person seemed in distress and, if so, whether I would approach them. In this case they seemed just fine.

But it started me thinking – they were there alone, perhaps by choice, but maybe not.

Continue reading “Alone or Lonely?”

She died after losing her battle with cancer…

This was the news this month re Dame Tessa Jowell, a former UK Cabinet Minister.

Almost without exception, the media coverage I heard and read talked about her ‘losing her battle with cancer’ or her ‘brain cancer fight’.

These words bother me.

I’ve wondered for quite a while now whether when we talk about cancer in this way we put pressure on everyone who receives a similar diagnosis to ‘fight’.

And, then, when they do die, the implication seems to be that they’ve somehow ‘lost’ or ‘failed’ – and maybe didn’t try hard enough… Continue reading “She died after losing her battle with cancer…”

Are You an Orchid or a Dandelion?

orchid-2265587_1920Orchids are beautiful but sensitive flowers.dandelion-16656_1920

They require protection and nurturing to blossom.

On the other hand, Dandelions can thrive virtually anywhere.

I came across this way of explaining how some of us develop differently from others when I was catching up on old episodes of Channel 4’s ‘The Secret Life of 4 Year Olds’.

It’s based on a Swedish metaphor: ‘amaskrosbarn’, a “dandelion child” and ‘orkidebarn’, an “orchid child.”  Continue reading “Are You an Orchid or a Dandelion?”

“Ageing is a Privilege.”

This is a quote from author Amanda Prowse which I heard recently on Channel 5’s ‘The Wright Stuff’.

She talks a lot of sense, and you can tell I liked what I heard that day as she also features in my previous blog ‘All Her Possessions Fit Into One Carry-on Suitcase?’ syringe-1973129_1920

On this occasion she also talked about ageing. She’d noticed how much time (and money) she was spending dyeing her hair and getting Botox injections – all to avoid signs of growing older. Continue reading ““Ageing is a Privilege.””

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