
Whole People

coaching, counselling and training in Worthing (UK) and online with Pat Spink



Dear Mum, I wasn’t meant for this planet…

“Dear Mum, I wasn’t meant for this planet. You did everything you could so please don’t panic. No one likes me so I might as well vanish….”


The opening line of a fictional suicide letter from a boy to his Mum, this is an extract from the keynote speech given last year in Thailand to 1,300 One Young World delegates by Hussain Manawer, a 24-year-old poet and activist from Ilford – which won him a trip into space in 2018.

He says he’s dedicating the trip to “every single person who has suffered from mental health [problems]”. Continue reading “Dear Mum, I wasn’t meant for this planet…”

Mindfulness – My Way

I’ve been on a few courses on mindfulness in recent years – it seems to be a bit of a buzzword at the moment, and in danger of being promoted in some circles as a bit of a ‘cure all’ perhaps? There’s a good deal of research being done with the aim of demonstrating how mindfulness might help us increase our alpha brain waves which could increase our creativity and also help relieve the symptoms of conditions such as  depression, anxiety and chronic pain. Continue reading “Mindfulness – My Way”

What Really Matters at the End of Life

As you may know, I work at our local hospice with people who are been bereaved, and with people who are anticipating bereavement. Because of this, as well as because of my own personal experiences of death of friends and family, I was interested to hear what B J Miller has to say in this TED talk. Continue reading “What Really Matters at the End of Life”

The Middle Passage

This is a book that was recommended to me a few years ago.  It’s by James Hollis, is rooted in Jungian psychology, and has the tagline “from misery to meaning in midlife“. Sounds a bundle of fun, I know!


It’s not a very long book, but it’s packed with insight for anyone who thinks they might be having a mid-life crisis and I’ve recommended it to friends, family and clients. Continue reading “The Middle Passage”

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